Friday 6 February 2009

Learning to Love You More

What I want to achieve from this blog and any future blogs is a kind of make shift portfolio, basically any feature, opinion piece, review and any other random articles I wish to write, either for uni or just in my spare time in order to help with my journalistic skills.

I feel i mite as well start with what i feel is a very ambitious project which I hope to write as a full feature for a magazine I will create in one of my modules at uni.

Learning to Love You More is a project currently running at the Baltic in Gateshead until the 8th of March. The idea is that visitors to the Baltic (or the website choose from a list of 70 assignments given by the artists Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher. The list differs from the simple and obscure (assignment 12-Get a temporary tattoo of one of Morgan Rozacky's neighbours) to the extreme (assignment 31. Spend time with a dying person)

Each assignment requires the public to send in a report, be it a photo or written piece, to show they have accomplished the assignment and it is these reports that are placed on the website or at one of the many exhibitions worldwide.

The idea is that each person who takes part in these assignments has their own unique experiences in realising how simple creating something that can make you think can be if they think about their own lives.

It is my intention to complete as many of these assignments as possible and write about my experience of this and regularly update my blog depending on what assignments Ii did that day
I hope to gain some sort of positive experience from all this as well as a well written feature (I can assure you the feel and tone of the piece will be more of my own voice than the standard introductory tone you are currently reading)

Anyway wish me luck and who knows maybe my completed assignments may just appear in the next exhibition, wherever that may be.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, let me rephrase that:
    You might want to try using a spellchecker ;)
    That's what all the hip-hop, cool-cat journalists are doing these days.

    Other than that it's good... just... you know...

    Much love,
    Yo momma.

  3. I saw this exhibition too and forgot to check out the other assignments

    Thanks Ewan <3

  4. Good reads, sorry to hear bout your teacher too. X X
